Variety is the spice of life and people-watching. There is arguably nowhere else on the planet where one lone individual can witness such an exceptional smorgasbord of humanity as it does along the strip of South Beach that forms the eastern border of Ocean Drive from Fourth Street to 14th Street. Spend a few hours lounging on a bench, and you'll no doubt encounter the overly buff taking advantage of muscle beach, the overly agile tending to the volleyball courts, the overly sunburned running to the nearest CVS for aloe vera, and the overly intoxicated waddling out of Wet Willie's. It's in these moments that one can appreciate the true diversity of our species. Early morning people-watching sessions might motivate you to renew your gym membership. As the day matures, you'll encounter a more debauched crowd that'll remind your liver that things could always be worse. Even the staunchest misanthropes can, at the very least, gaze beyond the human catwalk that is the winding Lummus Park path to admire the art-deco masterpieces to the west or our dear Atlantic coast to the east.